The Howell Family 2011

The Howell Family 2011
Spencer, Brittany & Shawn, Jacob, Emily, Jaden, Steven and Audrey, Julie & Stan

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Emily's Graduation

Emily Graduated on June 2nd from Lone Peak High School. She graduated with honors and we were very proud of her.Graduation day was a fun day for her. We took her to dinner at Brick Oven and had Shawn and Brittany, Jacob, and Spencer with us.
Brittany, Shawn, Emily and Jacob at Brick Oven
Mom, Emily and Dad at the Marriott Center before graduation ceremonies.

Julie and Emily
Kerriann Haycock, Caity Hogan and Emily.

Sloane, Emily, Brooke and Caity

Emily and Brooke

Kerriann, Emily and Caity jump for joy!

Danny VanWagoner, Emily and Cade Warton, two of Emily's close friend.

Emily and one of our dear friends, Sue Faux in the office of Lone Peak.  Emily and Shawn have been and Spencer is now one of Sue's office aides.  She is awesome and is such a friend to these kids!