We finally were able to plan and carry out an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Spencer. We did it with the Story Family, our dear friends and neighbors. Their son Aaron was also receiving his Eagle. The Storys moved in years ago when Spencer was about 3 or 4 years old. They happened to have a family full of boys...5 boys in all. Each of these boys is either a year older or year younger than each of my boys. The only ones the same age are Shawn and Dallin. Each of these boys has earned the rank of Eagle Scout and it was fun to have them all there to support their brothers. Of course, we were missing Steven who is in Delaware, but here in spirit.
Nathan, Dallin, Ammon, Aaron Story, Spencer Howell, Austin Story, Shawn and Jacob Howell.
Stan and Julie with Spencer, Proud Parents
Spencer thanking people for coming and telling about his Eagle Project
Aaron Story, Ron Mika, (Moyle Park Ward Forever Scoutmaster) and Spencer Howell
Spencer's Display
Jacob, Emily, Spencer, Brittany and Shawn Howell
The Family: Stan, Jacob, Emily, Spencer, Brittany, Shawn and Julie (minus Steve, Audrey and Jaden)